

"The hardest part after deciding I wanted guitar lessons was committing to the first lesson.

Having found Andy Ellis a teacher local to me, my finger hovered over the send button - shall I shant I? Will I turn up and not like the lesson or the teacher, how do I know he will teach me the things I am interested in?

So having clicked send I arranged to go to Andy's (he also comes to me) and give it a go. I need not have worried as Andy turned out to be one of the most easy going people I have met.

Most of my lessons start with me asking Andy if we can have a go at a new song I have heard, so on goes the song and amazingly Andy writes down the chords as its playing maybe with a replay or two if the song has some unusual tuning or chords. I find I tend to jump from one song to another learning a bit or sometimes all of a song then being drawn away by something else I have heard. This works well for me as each song throws up a new challenge new chords and different strumming.

So what about the technical stuff then, well for me all I want is to be able to play songs I like, Andy will ease into the conversation that what we are doing is the pentatonic scale but never tries to force any direction I don't want to go in, occasionally steering me back to where my major playing flaws are which is currently timing.

I am having so much fun I wish I had started years ago but its not just learning to play the guitar that I have got out of these lessons, I now find I am more open the listen to a variety of music and when I hear a song with guitar playing I am now really appreciating how good it is and sometimes thinking can I have a go at that.

My interest has also been renewed in going to see live bands including seeing Andy play live with Abbo locally which is great fun as I then get Andy to teach the songs I hear him play."

Instruments Taylor Big Baby, Fender Telecaster, Hondo II, Yamaha DX acoustic, Epiphone Les Paul Ultra
Amp Marshall Valvestate
Effects Line6 PodXT
Dream guitar Noel Gallagher Epiphone
Favourite bands Sex pistols, Clash, Morrisey, The Smiths
Began playing instrument At age of 15 then stopped for ages.....started again in 2004
Lesson routine 2 x 1 hour per week
Practise regime Whenever I can, when I'm in the mood. Play lots of songs learnt with Andy, search Internet for TABs and get songs/lessons from Line6 Guitarport online.

Chris' set list

Track Artist
Wonderwall Oasis
Half the world away Oasis
Sunny afternoon The Kinks
Angels Robbie Williams
This charming man The Smiths
Feelin' Groovy Simon and Garfunkel
Good riddance Greenday
Tommy gun The clash
Kiss me deadly Generation X
Big mouth strikes again Morrissey
She talks to angels The black crowes
Make me pure Robbie Williams
Sexed up Robbie Williams
Yellow Coldplay
Parachutes Coldplay
All around the world Oasis
Green eyes Coldplay
Happy town Abbo
The importance of being idol Oasis
Nana's song Robbie Williams
Bag full of silly Robbie Williams
Pure Robbie Williams
Getting me down Rezillos
God put a smile upon my face Coldplay
In my place Coldplay
Please please please let me get what I want The Smiths
Better man Robbie Williams
Blackbird The Beatles
Pink panther chase music  
Cigarettes and alcohol Oasis
Smells like teen spirit Nirvana
Riot van Arctic Monkeys
Mardy bum Arctic Monkeys
Are you gonna be my girl Jet
Purple haze Jimi Hendrix
Supersonic Oasis
Don't look back in anger Oasis
What difference does it make Morrissey
Seaside The Kooks
She moves in her own way The Kooks
Ooh la The Kooks
Here comes the sun The Beatles
Jackie big tits The Kooks
Wouldn't believe your radio Stereophonics
Help! The Beatles
Get back The Beatles
Albion Babyshambles
East of Eden Babyshambles
I love you (but you're green) Babyshambles
7 deadly Frenchmen The Libertines
Music when the lights go out Babyshambles
He will fall Babyshambles
Can't stand me now The Libertines
Don't look back at the sun The Libertines
When the sun goes down Arctic Monkeys
Delivery Babyshambles
Student Chris 'Doherty'
Jake W
Jake B
Last updated 3/7/2025